This week on the Wildly Uninteresting Podcast Episode #133:

- Esoteric knowledge and aliens.
- Money will never help you love something your doing.
- Embracing the dark side of your thoughts, going on a trip by yourself into solitude.
- Being mentally unwell and lost and going on a journey of discovery and self improvement. Is this just bullshit?
- Friends and the human connection.
- Knight of cups - a whole movie with improv dialogue. How hard would this be to implement?
- Filming a movie idea about how it feels to be an addict in detox.
- Camus: How absurd it is to be a human.
- What our Vivint Technician taught us about life.
- Are you truly fulfilled?

This week on the Wildly Uninteresting Podcast Episode #133: - Esoteric knowledge and aliens. - Money will never help you love something your doing. - Embracing the dark side of your thoughts, going on a trip by yourself into solitude. - Being mentally unwell and lost and going on a journey of discovery and self improvement. Is this just bullshit? - Friends and the human connection. - Knight of cups - a whole movie with improv dialogue. How hard would this be to implement? - Filming a movie idea about how it feels to be an addict in detox. - Camus: How absurd it is to be a human. - What our Vivint Technician taught us about life. - Are you truly fulfilled? https://www.facebook.com/wildlyuninterestingpodcast https://www.instagram.com/wildlyuninterestingpodcast/ https://twitter.com/WildlyPodcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE_56LWVINgLRDKDgPDHJrw https://www.facebook.com/ian.brock.319 read more read less

2 years ago #133, #adam, #butt, #comedy, #embracing, #entertainment, #funny, #how-to, #ian, #interesting, #journey, #mental, #music, #philosophy, #podcast, #sarah, #unwell, #wild